ED’s Diary: The Story of an Animal Lover

Posted on May 25, 2017

Animal lover and author E. D. Bird shared with us his/her passion for writing and the book Digby’s Diary.

Digby’s Diary

Born in Scotland, Bird is currently based in Zimbabwe, living there happily with family and their rescue dogs.

Much like many other authors, ED started writing at an early age.

“I’ve always enjoyed writing since way back in my school days,” Bird shares. While having written many stories, all of which are set in Africa, Digby’s Diary is the author’s first book.

“Digby, my standard French poodle, was the most entertaining dog I’ve ever come across. He was incredibly intelligent too,” ED shared. “He inspired me to write this first book.”

Digby and his furry friends escape the confines of their various gardens and follow two young boys to a quarry. It isn’t long before they discover that a young girl is being held hostage in a cave at this place, and they unite as a team to save the girl. It is set in Southern Africa.

For the book, Bird also tried to develop a unique writing style for Digby.

“I wanted to write about Digby and how I thought he would speak if he could. The story just grew as I continued writing,” Bird shares. “All of the animals involved were once pets of mine, and the two boys are actually my two sons. So all of the characters are obviously my favorites.”

Bird also shared that through this book, it would be great if it could be communicated to the readers that animals also have personalities and feelings.

“My favorite part of the book is when the two young boys are riding their borrowed horses. The dogs start singing and are interrupted by a family of warthogs crossing their paths.”

As for writing habits, Bird was once able to write for at least three hours every day.

“I just find a secluded spot and stay there with my laptop.”

Bird also shared with us that the novel took six months to write, but the editing process was a lot longer than that.

“I believe that editing your stories is an immensely important step. As a reader myself, I know how irritating spelling and typographical errors can be.”

Other than writing, Bird also likes to read suspense and thriller novels, the favorite author being Dean Koontz. ED also likes playing different games a lot, especially bowls.

“Playing bowls at least gets me away from the computer and into the fresh air, which I believe helps immeasurably with brain function and thought processes.”

Bird also loves talking to readers on social media.

“The best thing about my readers is their personal interactions with me.”

For those who would like to have their own stories published someday, E. D. Bird shares this: “If you’re self-publishing, be aware that all the promotional work is on your shoulders, and it’s a huge amount of work, much harder than actually writing the book.”

Readers can reach E. D. Bird through the website edbirdbooks.com and through other social media sites.

Disclaimer: Image is not ours. Credit to the owner.

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