Writing Is Healing: Health Benefits of Writing

Posted on Nov 21, 2017

Whether you suffer from a medical condition or simply need to relieve yourself of stress, writing is the activity for you. Writing provides an opportunity for a person to get rid of undesirable thoughts and feelings. Simply put, writing gives a sense of freedom, as the writer lets go of negative energy.

Health Jake's Solution

Over the years, research has shown that writing can be therapeutic. Better sleep, ability to deal with trauma, and relaxation and overall effectiveness are just some of the health benefits of writing.

  1. Better Sleep

    In a busy world, a good night’s sleep is increasingly becoming a luxury. Luckily, writing is a very good alternative to drugs or medical procedures meant to get a good shut-eye. According to a report by Psychology Today, “Researchers found that study participants who wrote down a list of things they were grateful for before bed experienced longer—and better—sleep.”

  2. Dealing with Trauma

    For people who experience the effects of trauma, writing helps heal their wounds. Writing enables people to confront reality and lets them open their hearts. The process is similar to when people talk to a friend about their problems—making them feel that someone is listening. A BBC article titled “Writing—For Health and Happiness?” mentioned that “[i]n 1986, long before the ubiquity of blogs and social media, Prof. James W. Pennebaker published seminal research showing expressive writing could make people healthier.” His study showed that the group of students who were asked to write about traumatic experiences had fewer visits to the student health center as opposed to the group of students who were asked to merely write about superficial things.

    In addition, a separate New Zealand study, mentioned also in BBC, “found that when older people wrote about traumatic experiences two weeks before having a skin biopsy, their physical wounds healed nearly twice as quickly.”

  3. Relaxation and Overall Effectiveness

    According to Business Insider, “Harvard Business School psychologist Francesca Gino and her colleagues have recently published a paper about how fitting in 15 minutes of reflection to the end of your day makes you more effective. In one field experiment, new employees who had 15 minutes to write and reflect at the end of the day performed 22.8% better than those who didn't.”

    Similarly, the Huffington Post stated that “[e]xpressive writing has been linked with improved mood, well-being, stress levels and depressive symptoms, as well as more physical benefits of lower blood pressure, improved lung and liver functioning and decreased time spent in the hospital.”

Although writing as a form of therapy is a very personal process, writers should still never forget their readers. The readers need to get accurate information no matter what. Doctors, for example, use their patients’ journal entries to obtain information for diagnoses or recommendations. A well-written and organized output will definitely make things easier for the physician. Additionally, the risk of misunderstanding is considerably less because the doctor can clearly comprehend thoughts as laid out by the patients.

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We also understand that writing can’t be rushed for some people. As such, we specialize in a fast proofreading service that guarantees you get your document in just an hour. You will not miss your deadline.

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