gram·ma·ry /ˈɡramərē/

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Prepare for Trouble: Differentiating All Ready and Already

Nov 21, 2018

It's all too easy to misuse words that have nearly the exact same pronunciation and spelling. Among these confusing word pairs, the renegade tandem of all ready and already is one of the most notorious. Mistaking one for the other can't be taken lightly, as it changes a great deal about what you'...
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Grammar Chaos: The Red Tape between Elicit and Illicit

Nov 14, 2018

Have you ever caught yourself trying to tell apart similar-sounding words such as elicit and illicit? If you can’t wrap your head around these homophones, here’s a bit of help! Some people know things that other people don’t—at least when the latter are still young. For example, kids ar...
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Grammar Chaos: Getting Away with Allude and Elude

Nov 07, 2018

Allude and elude both refer to actions of ambiguity or avoidance, hence their frequent use in descriptions of evasive characters, secrets, mysteries, and, at times, crimes. Aside from this similarity in usage, these two verbs are also spelled and pronounced similarly, which sometimes leads to the...
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