gram·ma·ry /ˈɡramərē/

noun: A blog of thoughts, news, and everything insightful! #Hello1HP

Once Upon a Time: A Swan Song

Nov 12, 2018

Once Upon a Time bid farewell to its audiences last May 18 after seven seasons on the air. Although the final season featured an almost-fully revamped cast, the original Storybrooke squad returned for the show’s swan song. Once Upon a Time (OUAT) premiered back in 2011 with a promising plot: ...
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On Vlogging and Vanquishing Mental Illness: John Green

Nov 08, 2018

With intimate, inspiring stories that have captured today’s youth and shed light on various social issues—such as mental and physical illness, peer pressure, and LGBT—vlogger and author John Green has stood as a rising figure in American young adult fiction for over a decade. However, not m...
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Grammar Chaos: Getting Away with Allude and Elude

Nov 07, 2018

Allude and elude both refer to actions of ambiguity or avoidance, hence their frequent use in descriptions of evasive characters, secrets, mysteries, and, at times, crimes. Aside from this similarity in usage, these two verbs are also spelled and pronounced similarly, which sometimes leads to the...
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